Sunday, April 11, 2010

napowrimo: april 11

pick one of these headlines as your poetry prompt:

Running Cats of the Week

Ten Ways to Help

Bomb Threat Cancels Friday Classes


Deb Scott said...

(Okay, so it isn't really a poem)
by Deb

my cat runs
trying to find 10 ways
to help those
whose classes were
cancelled due
to a friday
bomb threat

her list:

1. do return to your class for your valuables
2. run, do not walk to the nearest exit
3. do panic
4. do not leave in an orderly fashion
5. do not check your email for further info
6. do touch suspicious looking packages
7. do not help others
8. do not cooperate with the authorities
9. do ask the bomb squad questions
10. do stop and feed the animals (eg: the cat!)

my cat means well
she just doesn't understand
all the fuss
she has nine lives
and wonders
don't you?

Dot Hearn said...

oh, it's a poem! what fun
thank you for the smiles!

Dot Hearn said...

it's running cats
it's raining cats
it's pouring cats

is that anything like herding cats?

this prompt came out of a blog I read
that periodically posts about "running dogs of the week"
since I'm not a dog person, I always rolled my eyes
and wondered
why didn't they ever have cats featured

then that day
as I set up the posts
there it was
running cats of the week

aha! I thought
and then realized
it didn't quite have the same ring to it
and the image of running cats
seemed ludicrous
as if a cat ever does anything
it doesn't want to do

unlike a dog
give it a bone
and a smile
and it'll follow you anywhere

how like a cat person I am
to say such things