Tuesday, April 13, 2010

napowrimo: april 13

a picture prompt

Cornwall 1865

(click the title of the painting
by Serena Barton to view)


Deb Scott said...

Brave artistry
by Deb

and pigment
deep colors of earth
and heat
blister burning heat
should the artist

Tools too
too hot
to handle
irons hot
stylus hot
any hot tool
this painters brush

run the wax
over the wooden
or some surface
that can withstand
the simmer
of this creations

chase the wax
mold and sculpt
dab and drag
drip more
hot thriving color
watch for the moment
when cool
and lovely images
rise through
the ancient fire

Dot Hearn said...

corn wall
by dot

thorns hiding in cotton blooms
illusion of softness inviting
radiant thistle announces the arrival of bees
with the promise of honey's

Dot Hearn said...

Very nice, Deb! I especially like the last stanza.

My favorite part:
"when cool
and lovely images
rise through
the ancient fire"