Saturday, April 24, 2010

napowrimo: april 24


philip glass
for Sesame Street



Dot Hearn said...

When We Dance
by Dot

One two three let me count the colors
four five six they roll past illuminated
now I stop the intersecting prisms collide
elongating expanding exploding until
their shattered images disperse and
red bleeding yellow humming into orange and green
with blues dangling and violet stringing and
I twirl with delight
ribbons blowing through the angles of the light
I count again
one two three four five six
open close

Deb Scott said...

silly girl, math is for boys!
by Deb

in the beginning i felt = to the task
i could do the beginning
no more adventurous than learning to read
a different language yes
but i was up for the journey
certain in my innocent belief
there would always be kind guides

down the road i began to stumble
bumping my brain on fabulous fractions
fascinating in form and interesting to view although conversion
proved to be my first true downfall
but i braved my way forward
even though this logic did not
seem logical to me

then junior high happened
and i was told in many ways and words
that i was a girl (duh)
and math was for boys
and my questions about X and it not making sense were met with irritation
and the humiliation of the male
teacher yelling, quit asking why
just quit asking why
it is a rule
just follow the rule
there is no why
i didn't understand Y

punishment too when i brought home
the grades, tacked to the bulletin board
circled in red, mother's hand scribbled
'on restriction for 6 weeks
until you quit messing around
you are smarter than this'
her disapproval screaming from the paper
but i didn't understand mom
and i would not be asking more questions
better to just act like a girl
and say i am no good at math

oh how i wish there had been
sesame street for me
those spinning wheels
color and form and lines linking
and fantastic flashing light, i think even i
could have understood
that math could be art
and any true art
is for everyone