Sunday, April 6, 2014

NaPoWriMo Day Six

Getting to the end of week one and it's getting harder to keep up with the poems. I will. And I will give myself a break today because I had day two of the writing workshop in Port Townsend (my first time in workshop with Pam Houston - and it was fabulous), which was, duh, followed by a drive home. Where I am now. And writing today's poem.
The prompt from NaPoWriMo:
We got rather complicated with yesterday’s prompt, so today’s is much simpler. Take a good look outside your window. Spend a minute or so jotting down all the nouns you see outside. Tree. Car. Bus. Dog. Then spend a minute or so writing down all the colors you see. Finally, think about taking place outside. Is the wind blowing? “Blow.” Is someone walking their dog? “Walk.” Spend a minute or so writing down these verbs. Now you’ve got a whole list of words from which to build a poem, mixing and matching as you go. Happy writing!
Port Townsend on a Partly Sunny Afternoon
by Dot Hearn

Seagull strolling on the sidewalk
dipping its beak in the upside down remains
of the little girl's ice cream cone
who's standing on the corner
with her grandmother who's
wiping away the tears of the lost treat.
A jogger passes them by
his headphones blocking out the cries
of girl and gull and cooing soothing sounds.
Customers wander in and out
of shop fronts and the newly combined bookstores,
two shops in one, for readers and writers,
smiling customers exiting with eyes on on the page
nearly kicking the seagull
and instead stepping into the puddle
of pink sprinkles, milk, and sugar.

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