Saturday, April 26, 2014

NaPoWriMo Day 26 : Curtal Sonnet

Here is the prompt from NaPoWriMo for today:
Today’s prompt comes to us from Vince Gotera, who wrote his “family member” poem for Day 20 in the form of a curtal sonnet. As Vince explains, the curtal sonnet is shorter than the normal, fourteen line sonnet. Instead it has a first stanza of six lines, followed by a second stanza of four, and then closes with a half-line. The form was invented in the 1800s by Gerard Manley Hopkins, who used it in his famous poem “Pied Beauty”. So for today, I challenge you to give the curtal sonnet a whirl. It doesn’t need to rhyme — though it can if you like — and feel free to branch out beyond iambic pentameter. 

I incorporated the prompt today with the notes I took immediately following my final float for the Writers' Program at FloatOn last night. I wrote a different piece to submit to them (the writer has to submit a piece of writing within 24 hours after the float) - it was a 'prose'n'poem' and it contained some of these same images, of course. But this is a new poem from my original notes. And I thought I'd try applying the structure from today's NaPoWriMo prompt although, obviously, I skipped the rhyming and iambic (pentameter or not) part; perhaps I can work that in for the next draft of this poem.

Choose Your Own Dreamstate
by Dot

starbeings water trickled down
rolling tossing over bumbling stones
and forecast waterdreams for ancients
of other times or maybe this time
whatever your time I cannot tell
because time is only time in dreaming

tree on the horizon silhouetted by blues orange lavender
waves pulse along the veins containing instrument
of creation or distraction
your choice. choose your own adventure choose

your own vice


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