Thursday, April 24, 2014

NaPoWriMo Day 24 : Walls

From NaPoWriMo ...
And now, our (optional, as always) prompt! Peter Roberts has been participating in NaPoWriMo for several years now at his blog, Masonry Design. He has the charming and odd distinction of having only written poems about masonry. Today, I challenge you to do the same (for one day, at least), and to write a poem that features walls, bricks, stones, arches, or the like. If that sounds a bit hard, remember that one of Robert Frost’s most famous poems was about a wall.

by Dot

Some walls are made of materials you can touch
rough reddish brick or smooth round gray stone
maybe woods old or new, stained, painted, or natural,
or open, metal, a wall to see through
to keep an eye on the other yet keep them out
"know thine enemy"
or maybe not.

Not all walls are tangible things to feel
to keep up the boundary between yours, mine, ours.
Some walls are made of
     money and access
     color of one's skin
     religion or spirituality - or lack of
     housing and health care
     mental health status
     too long of a list

Walls are barriers to keep in or keep out
seen or unseen they are just as effective

But a physical wall is easier to dismantle.

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