Friday, May 7, 2010

missing the daily poetry

It has been a week since the end of NaPoWriMo. And I miss it. I've had brief discussions with the other two writers I was doing this "with." We all three miss it. But the month ended and so did the daily poetry.

Today, in a text message exchange, one writer and I wondered at this sudden absence of poetry writing. And why the month of April, that someone dubbed NaPoWriMo, made a difference.

My conclusion? It's because, as with NaNoWriMo, there is this giant pool of interpreters who have agreed to participate in this big "shared field of writing energy." For whatever reason, when we put our collective heads together in our separate writing spaces, the energy and time and creativity is there. We may be writing alone or in small groups - but the energy field we create encompasses the whole earth.

What if?

What if we could access that every day? Or most days. Not just in special months?

What. If?

1 comment:

Deb Scott said...

Ah yes, how I am missing those daily poems. Not so much the days when the poems were bad but the fact that I tried every day, and out of that came a creative release I haven't experienced for over 30 years.

What if? What if we decided to write a poem a week? A month? Something semi-structured so that we would remind ourselves to tap into that creative energy field on a regular basis?

What if we found another way?
