Saturday, April 1, 2017

NaPoWriMo Day 1 2017

I would like to do more writing at this time. More new generative writing. But I am deep in editing my current project and new material, especially something as involved as Camp NaNoWriMo or such, is not going to happen.

But, I decided I would try to write a poem a day. I haven't written poems for a while so these will be rough. They are raw. They will also be short and I am planning to do structured poems.

Here is my first one:

An Etheree, untitled.
DS Hearn
peeks through
gray clouds and
sunken rainbows
on the edges with 
black birds in flight above
trees, houses, in dreamscapes soar
memories filling gaps and drains
energy from autopilot dust
sleep waits in the shadows quiet as ice.

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